AUG 12th 2023
PIXIES SUMMER 2023 TOURA band cited as inspirational to icons such as Kurt Cobain, The Smashing Pumpkins, U2, Radiohead, and quoted as being one of the greatest bands to come out of the 1980s by none other than David Bowie, The Pixies established themselves as essential to the birth of many bands into the 1990s and beyond.
Their 1988 release Surfer Rosa is their most iconic album, followed by Doolittle in 1989. The albums somehow fused punk and surfer rock, the wispy and the chaotic, the quiet and the LOUD to create a unique sound that spoke to a staggeringly wide range of music fans and industry stars alike. Maybe it was the crazy lyrical sandwiches crafted by Black Francis (aka Charles Thompson, lead vocals, rhythm guitar). Maybe it was the break-all-the-rules guitar riffs churned out by axe-man Joey Santiago. Maybe it was the haunting backing vocals and interwoven bass lines batted in by Kim Deal (formerly of the band). Or maybe it was the ever present and maniacal drumming hammered out by David Lovering.
We all know The Pixies’ existence was rife with drama, the headstrong Francis clashing with independent Deal (both on and off stage), which led to a dismemberment in 1993 and a convergence in 2003. Ten years and two albums later Deal was officially done with the band and bassist Paz Lenchantin (formerly of A Perfect Circle) was sworn in. A further four albums jettisoned time to 2022, the latest being Doggerel, the album currently being toured.
Although earlier albums hold special places in our heart-shaped boxes, the Doggerel Tour will not disappoint; the band will keep fans on their toes with spur-of-the-moment sets spanning the length of their career, some as girthy as 41 songs. Expect covers, bangers, moody melodics, acoustic accoutrements, and of course, their partner in touring crime, Modest Mouse.
It is undeniable: The Pixies left their mark, one that is still branded into GenXers like a badge of honour and continue to etch themselves into the musical landscape of today. Tickets are available through the band’s website at where you can pick up merch and music in anticipation of the show at Vancouver’s Doug Mitchell Thunderbird Sports Centre on September 9. Where would your mind be if you missed this epic display of one of the most influential bands of the 80s???