AUGUST 17th 2023
Review by: Marius Rafoshei
Photo Gallery By: Polina Kulikovskikh
Day 2 -
Day two of the festival was upon us, and we were our way. Bright and early, we arrived at the gates for another day of the fascinating meeting point of Vikings and extreme metal that is Midgardsblot. This would be a day marked by the presence of Loki, the Norse god of mischief. At the opening ceremony he was asked to not cause too much trouble. - But he clearly had other plans, as would be evident during the days as we watched the various bands perform.
Having found my first cup of coffee and wandered around a bit, I can hear what sounds like a promising wall of sound coming from the mainstage and made my way over. Where an enormous Wolfs head – banner is raised, and the guitar sound is raw and groovy – just the way I like it. On stage is the for me a new experience, Vargvrede, and after just mere minutes I realize this is a good introduction. Throwing their hard-hitting riffs at an audience that already at this early stage of the day are awake and ready to party. Looking around I see the heads moving and the smiles forming. At the very tip of the crowd, I can just make out their special guest of the day: A 10-year-old fan; it is his birthday, and he has come to watch his favourite band. They did not disappoint him or the rest of us. A highlight of the day, and it has just begun. We are off to a good and heavy day; I think as they slow down and throat singing lead us into their final repertoire of the show.I joke with my photographer friend that after such an opening, we can only expect another surprise early in the day as we make our way to the smaller stage to have a look at the Danish “runic black metal” act Wulfaz. The description on the festival program label them as what you get when mixing Taake and early Enslaved – a most fitting description, though they do stand firmly on their own feet. Delivering a gut punch of old school black metal to the audience, from the get-go with tunes such as; Sotes Runer and Den Glammende Mand.
I can only comment on being disappointed with them being outside in the sun. This would have been best experienced in a dark wood somewhere in the marshlands of Denmark, where the raw and mythic soundscape could truly send one into the runestones. Still a good show, a brilliant mix of the early black metal soundscape with a more modern melodic approach, and a stage presence that shows they enjoy it. As did I.
I left the Wulfaz a bit early to try and get peek in at what was going on in Gildehallen, and what a contrast to Wulfaz the show by Vǫluspá turned out to be. A melodic, almost ambient sounding at times, gig clearly driven forward by the voice of Sol. The musician’s truly played backup to her leading the audience from one to the other Nordic folk - inspired song. Sadly, I merely got a small look inside, as the hall was packed to the brim.
Grimfrost Holmgang Battles, Who doesn’t like swords?
As stated, Midgardsblot is more than the music. It is a celebration of the Viking age as well, and what could be more fitting than watching the Grimfrost Hird duke it out with swords? So, as one cannot see or cover everything, I decided to let Isak be, and made my way over to the Holmgang-area. I was not alone in enjoying watching the Vikings fight it out over the 4x4 meter arena, only marred by the fact that the que was so long to try oneself that I just did not have a chance to participate. A fun and clearly taxing game, and my shoutout goes to their 66-year-old fighter. Nothing better than swinging swords at others under the baking sun in full Viking kit with added protection at an advanced age.Around six in the afternoon it started to get filled up in front of the smaller stage; Kaupangr, where the genre breaking Iotunn was to play. Starting out with seventies space metal and evolving through the paces of black and some prog, going even further. It was a treat. But as mentioned earlier, Loki was afoot today, and there were sound issues. In this case the vocal was cut and for the first couple of songs no vocal was heard. – Never mind, Iotunn vocalist Jón Aldará did his best to scream louder and after 10 – 15 minutes the audience exploded in a roar of approval as the vocals kicked in, and the band truly found their presence on stage elevated. Iotunn delivered something truly genre breaking through a tight set. Performing with a clear combination of professionalism and enjoyment of being on stage and delivering their art. I am hoping to watch them again, on a bigger stage with less technical difficulties.
The Norse theme continued with Sowulo, and I must ask: Are you even true if you do not use a carnyx on stage? This Celtic war horn was one among a myriad of traditional and folk instruments, that together with the beating drums enlivened the audience in a pure show of pagan force. Again, Loki came by and this time he messed up the display behind them, but thankfully he left the sound alone. And what would elsewhere be a mosh pit was here a dance pit, as the beating of the drums, the song of the violins, and the tempo changes from their cyclical view of the world and music led us ever deeper into the past and present.
Norddjevel, the devils from the north came, saw, and conquered at Midgardsblot. Turning Kaupangr, the smaller stage into a battlefront of True Black Metal. But once more, Loki was afoot, and the lead guitarist “Destruchtor” had issues with the guitar, still the show went on regardless. And what a show! – Norddjevel was there to deliver Norwegian Black Metal at its finest, with a stage set up for pyrotechnics and fog, inverted crosses, and the band decked out in bloody corpse paint. Setting the physical stage for the auditory treat we were in for. It was raw, it was violent, and I loved every second of it. I found myself trapped between the headbangers on the first row, and the moshpit that formed behind me. Clearly there was nothing else to do than float in the moment and let my head swing to tracks such as Antichrist Flesh and I Djevelens skygge.They had the audience in his grasp from the very beginning, and it was for several of us perhaps the gig of the day. I went from one extreme to the other between Sowula and Norddjevel, from the big stage for the former and the smaller for the latter, both delivering the punch and top of their genres. Fire blood and epic drumming, oh so much fire.
Headliner of the day was Enslaved, who treated us all to a run through of their now very technical and some would argue more prog than black metal journey through their set filled with a tight set and effective communication with the audience. As the surroundings turned dark with night the main stage Valhalla was light up by their energy, fantastic backdrops in form of live video, and a metal craft of music seldom heard. A treat for the fans, and doubly so for the music-theory-minded among us. Enthralling the audience by their melodies, turning them into an organism of headbanging and enjoyment.
Day two delivered on the promise of Midgardsblot. I experienced a mixture of top-notch extreme metal, technical metal, and the rawest forms of it. On the other hand, I had witnessed Vikings fight, listened to folk – and Viking – inspired acts. All in the embrace and shadow of the Viking age hall, surrounded by bloters as diverse as the musical performances. - At Midgardsblot you will be in the company of your stereotypical metalhead at one side of you, and a fantastical Viking-inspired dress on your other.