MARCH 12th 2025

Review by: Dmitry Sukhinin
Photos by:Polina Kulikovskikh

Eivør headlined Rockefeller just in October 2024, and now she is back. Last time she expressed happiness that she was on a bigger stage that she had wished to play on. Well, now, just a few months later, it is a huge Oslo Spektrum arena, 10000 capacity, up from 1300 in Rockefeller.

The audience looks like a massive gathering of role players - so I wonder if I have confused it with a global Magic The Gathering event. As several Gandalphs pass me, I need to make sure I behave - there is a very high chance of getting killed by fireballs, an ice spike, lightning bolt, necrotic wave, gravity crush, mind rot, shadow summon, or a blood ritual (you name it) - yes, I still remember what happened to Red Fang in the Prehistoric Dog video.

But back to Eivør. She was a discovery for me last October, and today’s show was even more impressive. Eivør is absolutely extraterrestrial. Everything is played live, four people onstage, electric drums, keys/samples, upright bassist on the back switching to some key/sampler thing and Eivør herself in the front - doing all kinds of unreal sounds with her wonderful voice.

Northern motifs (some pieces remind me of Waltari/Angelit Channel Nordica record) with Eivør switching from tamborine to guitar, - she is delivering absolutely insane note range, growls, screams, meows and beatboxing. The happening is supported by a light show. She is absolutely fabulous live, and it is a completely different experience than spinning the records, - it is sad that it lasts just about forty minutes, it is definitely not enough, but at least this is the stage size that Eivør deserves.

Heilung is the main act today - something I had on my to-see list, but never had a proper chance. Gigantic Oslo Spektrum is prepared for something special - there are birch trees screwed to fences. Spotlights project different patterns onto the black walls.

The curtain gets removed, and the theatrical stage is covered with smoke. And a very prolific smell of sage and incense (“The smell of incense takes me hiiiiiigh”). A great move, if you ask me. Even before the beginning one can see it is not an ordinary concert - rather a massive ritual, there is something on every corner of the stage. The beginning itself is very blurry, drawn out and frankly strange. Some figure is sporadically messing around in every direction and mumbling.

But then, at last, the stage comes alive with the performers, the sound erupts... and I am forever changed. I was not prepared for this.

Have you been to Burning Man? Those are the vibes. Everything is acoustic and big. The raw power of rhythm. It is like electronic music, but live and natural, unamplified. It is like Magma, but with much more simplistic rhythms. It is like a theatre but with a very bizarre plot.

The moments between compositions are a bit strange, but luckily the rhythms compensate for this.
I do not know how to describe it, but it is an absolute must to experience live for a fan of literally any type of music. These moments put the audience into trance. A great performance is ending with a long and absurd outro, but I am convinced - I want and I will see Heilung again. Words are not enough to describe it.