DECEMBER 31st 2024
Metaltitans Metal Mom had the opportunity to chat with BLESSED CHILD. Enjoy our exclusive chat with Steve, th vocalist of the band and lean more about Blessed Child.
Steve Kaya • Vocals
Jens Jäschke • Lead Guitars
Marco Walter • Rhythm Guitars
Marcus "Linne" Lindemann • Bass
Michael "Gruni" Grunert • Drums
Latest release: 2024 • Crossing The Pit • Full-length
01. Crossing The Pit
02. Roll With The Changes
03. The Whaler
04. Past Comes Crawling
05. The Sinister Urge
06. Godblind
07. Evil Under The Sun
08. Grinding Jaw
MT: So let's start with when your formed the band, and how everyone came to be part of it ?
Steve: Jens (guitar) and I started writing our first songs in 2018 and thus laid the foundation. Marco (guitar) joined us in 2019.The three of us wrote the first songs for our first E.P. Monolith and we found out that we would like to have real drums. We've known Michael for a long time, at least Marco and I, and asked him if he could record the drums for the songs. He had the desire to do so and shortly later we were able to occupy the bass with Holger Neu. From there on, Blessed Child was a real band. All of this happened in 2020. We all know it was a real shit year and accordingly we recorded the E.P. towards the end of the year and then released 2021.In this cast we started working on the first album immediately. That's why The Burning Shade was released just under a year later.
After the Burning Shade record, Holger left us and Marcus took over the bass. Michael and Marcus still play together in another band (Our Souls) and therefore it was close to asking him if he wanted to get to it. The new album Crossing The Pit was recorded in this cast
MT: Tell us a little about the band members.
Steve: All band members were active in several local bands (Despised, Malachai, Level66 and many more) and have known each other for many years.
MT: Who's idea was it to name the band BLESSED CHILD ?
Steve: That was me, I woke up and was still drunk from the previous evening. I knew I was a real blessed child. It's not quite true, but actually the name came to me immediately after it got up and I found it suitable and very classic metal like.
MT: Heavy Metal, Groove Metal, and Thrash, good choices, but what made you pick those genres to create your music?
Steve: Marco, Michael and I grew up exactly with these genres and have been musically socialized with this stuff.We like the aggressiveness and the energy of this music to this day very much. Jens and our former bass player Holger had fun there too and that's why there was never a reason to doubt. All in the band listen to many types of music, mainly metal but also classical rock and other genres. But when the band Blessed Child is about it will always be hard metal with thrash influence.
MT: Who writes the lyrics ?
Steve: I write the lyrics, but sometimes Marco also arrives with good ideas. Most often when it comes to content or song titles.
MT: Where does the inspiration come from to write them ?
Steve: Most songs refer to fictional situations that every person faces in the course of life.
Of course, I always try to pack it so that it fits well with the music and sounds harmonious.
Deep philosophy should not be expected, rather the thoughts of an old man who sometimes doubts the people of this world. Apart from that, I love good stories about battles. Not necessarily about strategy or tactics about it, rather about the thoughts of the soldiers before and during the battle. And on every album there is a song about sailors.
MT: You are a new album out now, released this month, "Crossing The Pit" how did you come up with the name ?
Steve: Before each production, the cover motif is first established. At least the idea is firmly in my head.If the idea is correctly ready to speak, we will consider which song title could fit or whether we have to create a completely new one.Here it was the one that the title song just fitted perfectly for the cover.
MT: Who created the artwork for the album ?
Steve: All our covers so far are made by Markus Vesper. We like his work very much, for our music it is almost perfect. Markus is still really drawing by hand and implementing our ideas perfectly. Most of the time I give him a rough idea of what I wish. I like to pick photos or as in this case do some of them myself. I have made a lot of pictures of gorges and waterfalls on holiday in Iceland and Markus has implemented this great.
MT: Was it an easy album to create, from writing to the final product of the album ?
Steve: We are a very well structured band regarding the song writing and production. We do everything ourselves and therefore have no deadline. Each of us has the opportunity to play their things at home, so it's quite easy. I always come to the last and we record the song at Michael's home studio. But this also always runs quite smoothly. This time we had the opportunity to try a large part of the songs live. This was not the case with the last album, so I think the new album sounded like a well rounded affair.
MT: Tell us what the fans can expect to hear ?
Steve: Those who stand on straight metal without great rituals, who wants to listen to five guys as they play the soul out of their body is just right with us. With us you get No Bullshit Metal, handmade and pure to the bone.
MT: Do you have a favorite song on the album, and why that one ?
Steve: Not really, it changes from day to day. But Roll With The Changes always works, so I think it is my favorite song on this album.
MT: I noticed that you are releasing tapes, I am old school, so remember those well, but what made you think to do those ?
Steve: This medium was for many people the entry to get to know many new bands. In my youth I didn't buy as much vinyl as today and that's why I copied several albums on tape from buddies. I buy a lot of tapes myself and hear them quite often these days. Unlike CD or streaming, you need to invest time if you want to pre-roll a song. Because no one wants to hear it anyway and perhaps learn to enjoy albums throughout the whole. The same applies for Vinyl.
MT: Now that you have made your album, is there anything you wished you had done differently ?
Steve: Personally, I am very happy with the album. In the afterwards, you always find something you could have done better. But every album is a time document, so you have to live with it.
MT: It has only been released a few days ago, but are you having a good response so far ?
Steve: So far, the reactions were good to very good. Would be nice if it stayed like that. But even bad criticism can have good things if it is constructive.
MT: Will you be doing a tour in support ?
Steve: Some events are planned for the next year and various appearances are already fixed. I hope to add some gigs to this because we love playing live. There's everything we care about.
MT: What has been the best part so far for you being in Blessed Child ?
Steve: Having offering good violent entertainment, met many new people, drink a lot of new good beer and make music with friends in the rehearsal room that I love about everything.
MT: Is there anything you want to add to the interview that I may have missed asking but you want the fans to know ?
Steve: We greet all metal fans and wish us fucking peace in the world and free beer for all
Thank you so much for taking the time to do this interview with Metaltitans.